Prison Architect

Prison Architect

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Prison Architect let you know what it’s like to manage a jail. Here you have to complete quite a lot of tasks. So initially you are faced with the task of building a building in which you keep prisoners.

In addition to the cells, you also have to make a shower, a dining room, a kitchen, an administration building and many others. To do this, it is possible for you to use grants that provide you with funds for all this. There you have some points that you need to complete to not receive a fine.

But don’t think that everything is so simple. Apart from this, you also have to hire and manage staff. Because if there are no cooks, the kitchen will cease to function. Without guards, the prisoners start causing a commotion. So every worker here is quite important.

Whether you are able to make sure that no one runs away from you and serves their sentence depends on you. Also, do your best to become the best!

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